体育B.S. program is for students who wish to be licensed physical education teachers in K-12 schools.

The Physical Education 老师许可 Program is designed to meet the teaching licensure requirements of the Minnesota Professional Educator Licensing and Standards Board (PELSB) and is guided by the National Physical Education Standards.

Hands-on learning is at the core of your educational experience. You’ll learn from professionals in the field and experience teaching in real-world situations. The five methods courses focus on content and pedagogy in dance and rhythm, 基础体育, 团队运动, individual sports and fitness activities. You’ll engage in multiple field experiences that include observation, tutoring and teaching. Program completion requirements include 16 weeks of student teaching. Our program provides you with a diversity of experiences and the chance to develop a varied skill set that will increase your career options.

Physical Education 老师许可s

追求一个 dual license in both physical education and 健康教育 will offer you a wide range of teaching options and maximize your employment potential.

Our program provides opportunities to gain a diverse and varied set of skills, 经历和证书. You may choose to pursue teacher licensure majors in 健康教育 and physical education to open the door to more teaching options. We also offer a certificate program in coaching. Working together with your faculty advisor, you will plan your academic career to ensure that you will have the background and experiences that best fit your career goals.

DAPE Minor/Licensure for PE majors

追求一个 DAPE minor or an addition to an existing license 提供更多的职业选择.

For more information about the courses in this program, 查一下课程目录.


Community health majors from Bemidji State go on to do some incredible things with their degrees.

赖利福西特Attending BSU truly was the “best decision ever.” I was completely undecided on my career path my freshman year until I had discussions with Dr. Shannon Norman博士. 琥珀曾. They shared their experiences throughout their educational path’s and that’s when I knew I wanted to become a teacher and coach. Every professor in 人类表现,运动 & 健康 does more than just teach. 他们分享他们的经历, relationships and go above and beyond to mentor students their students in the best way possible.

Being a DI Women’s Hockey player for the BSU Women’s Hockey team meant that I was extremely busy training, practicing and traveling to games. The BSU and HPSH professors were flexible with my hockey schedule but held me accountable for all my coursework. I have learned how to communicate effectively, manage my time and balance my personal life through these experiences.

— 赖利福西特, 健康 and 体育B.S.


Macayla布劳恩The 健康 and Physical Education Program at BSU absolutely prepared me for my current teaching job. If it wasn’t for the awesome professors, I don’t think I would know what I do today. The program’s classes are specifically catered to our major and designed to feel confident and ready to go into your own classroom and start teaching. I felt very prepared for my first year as a teacher and I owe it all to the 健康 and Physical Education program and my professors.

Get involved in everything you can! I would not be where I am today if I did not get involved with my state and national organizations, become a member of my major’s club and went to conferences and conventions as an undergrad. The more experiences you have, the better your resume looks!

— Macayla Brown, 健康 and 体育B.S.

Read Macayla’s Story to Success

Nicollet Gammon-DeeringDuring my time at Bemidji State, 我是社交媒体经理, Vice President and eventually worked my way up to the President of 健康,运动, 运动专业俱乐部. HPSH department holds some of the very best professors. I could never express how thankful I am for HPSH department and the HPSH professors. They have pushed me to become the best version of myself.

在我目前的职位上, I find the connections/friendships I make with my students to be the most rewarding aspect.  My professors at Bemidji State chose to create a meaningful connection with me throughout my time at Bemidji State. They chose to invest in me and foster a positive relationship with me. These relationships taught me how to make connections and positive relationships with my future students.

— Nicollet Gammon-Deering, 健康 and 体育B.S.

Read Nicollet’s Story to Success


Dr. 吉姆·怀特主席
Department of 人类表现,运动 & 健康
地点:PE 223

Dr. 琥珀曾
Department of 人类表现,运动 & 健康
地点:PE 214