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PDF of Physical Education, B.S.

Physical Education


Professional Education


Physical Education, B.S. major
(Teacher Licensure)

Required Credits: 79
Required GPA: 2.50


Select 1 of the following courses:

Complete the following courses:

Complete the following course:

  • PHED 4920 DGS: (1 credit)

Complete the following course:


Select 1 of the following courses:


完成以下课程,至少2分.50 GPA:

Complete the following course:



项目学习成果|体育教育.S. (Teacher Licensure)

1. 协作:确定成为学校倡导者的策略 & 社区促进各种体育活动的机会(C6. Identifies & 积极寻求社区资源以增加运动机会(B7).

2. Growth & 发展:设计安全的教学,以满足学生在身体方面的发展需要, cognitive, and social/emotional domains (B7, B8) 2. 理解生物学,心理学,社会学,经验, & 影响发展性学习准备的环境因素 & refine movement skills (A4) 3. Identifies, selects, 在了解学生的基础上提供适当的学习/实践机会, learning environment, task (C1).

3. Diverse Students: Identify, select, & 针对学生的长处/短处实施适当的教学, multiple needs, learning styles, & prior experiences (B11).

4. Management & 动机:使用管理程序,创造流畅的学习体验 & environments (C2) 2. 使用各种适合发展的实践来激励学生参加学校内外的体育活动(C3) 3. 运用策略帮助学生表现出责任感 & 促进积极关系的社会行为 & 富有成效的学习环境(B6).

5. 沟通:展示有效的沟通技巧.g. 语言的运用,清晰,简洁,节奏,给予 & 接受反馈,适龄语言,非语言交流(D2. Communicates managerial & 以各种方式提供教学信息.g. 公告栏、音乐、任务卡、海报、网络、视频. 以对所有学生都敏感的方式进行沟通.g. 种族、文化、社会经济、能力、性别差异)(D3).

6. Planning & Instruction: Identifies, develops, & implements appropriate program & instructional goals (B4, B5) 2. Develops plans linked to program & instructional goals, & student needs (B4, B5) 3. 使用教学策略,根据内容,学生的需要, & 3 .安全问题,促进学习(C1, C9. Designs & 实现安全的学习经验, appropriate, relevant, 并基于有效教学原则(C2), C9) 5. Applies disciplinary & pedagogical knowledge in developing & 实施有效的学习环境 & experiences (C2, C9) 6. 提供学习经验,让学生整合知识 & 从多个学科领域的技能(B4. Selects & 实施适当的教学资源 & curriculum materials (B5) 8. Uses effective demonstrations & 将体育活动概念与学习经验联系起来的解释. 9. Develops & uses appropriate instructional cues & 促进运动技能表现的提示(A3)

7. 学生评价:采用各种适当的真题 & 评估学生理解能力的传统评估方法 & performance, provide feedback, & communicate student progress (C2) 2. Involves students in self & peer assessment 3. Interprets & uses learning & 绩效数据,以制定明智的课程和/或教学决策(C2, C4).

8. 反思:使用反思循环来描述教学, justification of teaching performance, critique of teaching performance, setting of teaching goals, & implementation of change.

9. 技术:展示当前技术的知识 & 它们在体育教学中的应用.


体育教育专业建议学期安排.S. (TEACHER LICENSURE)

学生们被鼓励参加必修的体育课程B.S. courses in approximate numerical order. This schedule is intended to help students plan their courses in an orderly fashion; however, these are only suggestions. 鼓励学生参考课程描述了解先决条件.


  • BIOL1110
    or BIOL1400
  • PHED2100
  • Liberal Education requirements


  • BIOL1111
  • HLTH2100
  • PHED3100
  • PHED3110
  • PHED3120
  • PHED3200
  • PHED3300
  • Required Electives in Major
  • Liberal Education requirements
  • Take the Pre-professional Skills Test


  • Begin Professional Education Courses
  • PHED3449
  • PHED3504
  • PHED3505
  • PHED3604
  • PHED3605
  • PHED3607
  • Required Electives in Major
  • Liberal Education requirements


  • PHED4400
  • PHED4500
  • PHED4870
  • PHED4920
  • 完整的专业教育课程,包括学生教学